25 Jahre nach Maastricht - MEP verabschiedet einen neuen EU- Jugend-Vertrag

Für das internationale MEP 2017 in Arnheim und Maastricht hatte sich das niederländische Organisationsteam etwas ganz besonderes ausgedacht: es hat in Zusammenarbeit mit allen Delegierten einen neuen EU Jugendvertrag ausgeabeitet - und das rechtzeitig zum 25. Jubiläum des Maastrichter Vertrages, mit dem die Europäische Union, so wie wir sie heute kennen, gegründet wurde.  Aber das war nicht das einzige Highlight. Die Delegierten haben ihren Entwurf dann auch noch in Brüssel im Plenarsaal des Europäischen Parlament mit einigen echten Europaabgeordneten diskutiert. Höhepunkt war dann aber die feierliche Übergabe des Textes an Markku Markkula, den Präsideten des Auschusses der Regionen, sowie an Tibor Navracsics, den EU-Kommissar für Jugend. Makku MArkkula hat die Tafel mit dem Vertrag und den Unterschriften der Delegierten dann als Bild in seinem Büro aufgehängt, wie auf Facebook dokumentiert.  Hier findet ihr den Text des neuen Vertrages: 



New Youth Treaty by the Model European Parliament


• Adopted on the 7th of February 2017, 25 years after the Treaty of Maastricht during the 46th International Session of the


Model European Parliament in the Netherlands / MEPNL17.


• Presented to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions on the 9th of


February 2017.


• Based on the MEP Green Paper Procedure in which hundreds of young people participated.


The Model European Parliament,


… having prioritised the key policy issues important to Europe for the next 25 years,


… hoping to create a future Europe in which all its members would like to live,


urges all local, regional, national and European representatives to address the following five priorities:


1. Education! Education! Education!


Education is essential for the future of the EU and a basic human right for all EU citizens. Providing


high-level and accessible education equips the next generations of EU-citizens with the tools


necessary to address and solve all societal challenges. There is no single issue in this treaty that can do


without education. A radical change in the EU is needed to give education the priority status on the EU


agenda it deserves.


2. It is my (human) right!


Europe has to ensure equal and effective access to human rights for all its citizens, because only with


solid human rights, can inclusive European democracies prosper. But human rights do not end where


EU-citizenship ends. Basic human rights are never to be compromised, especially not by gender, level


of education or refugee status. Europe has a moral responsibility to build and promote the human


rights situation within its sphere of influence.


3. Europe: a safe haven!


At this moment the safety of the EU is threatened by a rise in terrorism. This results in unsafe feelings


in our open European societies. The conflicts in the Middle East and successive flows of immigrants


entering the EU enhances peoples’ fear for terrorist acts close to their homes. Lacking EU-actions


regarding the number of immigrants and their integration increases EU scepticism. EU external policy


must be directed at finding solutions for the Middle Eastern conflicts and the refugee crisis. EU


internal policy has to ensure the safety for those arriving in Europe and those already living here.


4. Let’s finally tackle global warming!


Year after year new records are broken regarding rising average temperatures, tropical storms and


drought. Although future scenarios have a high degree of uncertainty, this is no longer an excuse not


to act on the overwhelming evidence that global warming is an urgent and imminent treat to our


European societies. Given the time we need to change environmental laws, reform educational


systems and implement innovative technologies, we better start now! Only then can our societies


ensure sustainable economic growth in a healthy environment.


5. Future proof economic growth? Yes, please!


Promoting the economy has always been at the heart of European integration. Through our joint


efforts, we have developed a robust single market. In the last few years, our efforts have been tested


by several economic crises. To be able to cope with them, our economies should become increasingly


open by negotiating free trade agreements with more countries. The challenge is to do this while


making sure that these contribute to a sustainable and liveable planet. Additionally, our economies


should become more flexible by teaching our citizens new and adoptable skills. A robust and open


economy enables us to tackle societal problems more easily.


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